Comprehensive Civil Service Test Prep
Practice exams designed to help you ace your upcoming Civil Service recruitment test. Get instant access to all of our online resources for 12 months. With no recurring fees, prepare on your own time and at your own pace.
Course description
This program is designed to help you pass the pre-employment aptitude tests that are used in the highly competitive Civil Service recruitment process. Practice makes perfect, don't let the entrance exam screen you out of a rewarding long-term career.
What you'll learn
- How to manage your time when writing civil service tests.
- The type and format of questions you can expect on the real test.
- How to improve your Numerical and English language skills.
- Understand your strengths and weaknesses.
- How to ace the civil service employment test.
Why Civil Service Prep?
With a staff of skilled technical writers, CivilServicePrep has designed customized written exams for the Civil Service exam you are writing. Our practice Exams are developed with the same format and content as the real tests. This ensures you are spending your time and money on the correct preparation and training material. Don't waste your money on generic practice exams that do not reflect the Exam that you will be writing.